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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

My Mum is Amazing

ana sayang blogwalker~ jangan lupa komen!

My Mum is Amazing

She wakes up early in the morning with a smile
And she holds my head up high
Don't you ever let anybody put you down
Cos you are my little angle

Then she makes something warm for me to drink
Cos it's cold out there, she thinks
Then she walks me to school, Yes I ain't no fool
I just think my mom is amazing

She makes me feel
Like I can do anything
And when she's with me
There's no where else, I'd rather be...

After school, she's waiting by the gate
I'm so happy that I just can't wait
To get home to tell her how my day went
And eat the yummy food, only my Mum makes

Then I wind her up cos I don't wanna bath
And we run around the house with a laugh
No matter what I say, she gets her way
I think my Mum is Amazing

*repeat chorus*

In the evening, she tucks me into bed
And I wrap my arms around her head
Then she tells me a tale of a girl far away
Who one day became a princess

I'm so happy, I don't want her to leave
So she lies in bed with me
As I close my eyes, how lucky am I
To have a Mum that's so Amazing

*repeat chorus*

Then I wake up in the morning, she's not there
And I realize she never was
And I'm still here in this lonely orphanage
With so many just like me

And as my dreams begin to fade
I try hard to look forward to my day
But there's a pain in my heart that's a craving
How I wish I had a Mum that's amazing
Would be amazing....

ana sayang blogwalker~ jangan lupa komen!

Monday, May 26, 2008


Abdullah bin Umar r.a meriwayatkan:

"Seorang pemuda datang kepada Rasulullah s.a.w. dan berkata; "Saya ingin berjihad (Perang fisabilillah)". Nabi s.a.w. bertanya; "Apakah kedua ibubapamu masih hidup?". Jawabnya; "Ya, kedua-duanya masih hidup". Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w. ; "Di dalam melayaninya harus berjihad".

Ingatlah jika kita menolong ibubapa kita dirumah juga dikira berjihad!

dan belajar juga merupakan jihad~

Jika kita berjihad fisabilillah, kita mendapat pahala..

blogger-emoticon.blogspot.comwaLLAHu a'
ana sayang blogwalker~ jangan lupa komen!

Friday, May 2, 2008


Bagaimana perasaan anda apabila melihat bunga ini?

pasti berasa tenang bukan?

itulah satu nikmat yang Allah berikan kepada hambaNya.

Oleh itu hendaklah kita sentiasa bersyukur kepada-Nya,

dengan nikmat yang diberikan.

Setiap ketenangan itu akan menambahkan iman kita

dengan bersyukur,

seperti firman-Nya,

'Dia yang menurunkan tenangan kedalam hati orang-orang yang beriman,

supaya bertambah keimanan mareka bersama keimanannya.

Kepunyaan Allah tentera langit dan bumi

dan Allah Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha Bijaksana.'

(Al-Fath 48:4)

dan seperti dalam satu lirik nasyid,

When Allah sends His Sakina on me,

How do I feel?

It's like peace inside my heart

and I know that it's real.

Oleh itu hendaklah kita sentiasa berasa tenang,

kerana berasa tenang itu suatu nikmat.

blogger-emoticon.blogspot.comWallahu a'

ana sayang blogwalker~ jangan lupa komen!

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